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 Deep state swamp being drained
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Posted on 02-01-25 3:51 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have high degree of concern for fellow immigrants and I hope they will not be affected by Trump policies.

Having said that, an enormous amount of progress has been made on draining the swamp.

President Trump’s the Deep State BLOODBATH in the past 24 hours:

- All federal prosecutors handling January 6th cases fired, computers locked and marched out of their offices by security.

- David Sundberg, the FBI Assistant Director at the helm of the January 6th investigations, has been fired.

- 20 leaders of FBI field offices have been escorted out of FBI buildings around the country

- The 51 intelligence officers who spread misinformation about Hunter Biden's laptop and interfered in elections are now banned from entering federal properties.

- Federal employees are now required to return to the office, with non-compliance leading to termination.

- John Bolton and John Brennan have been permanently banned from government buildings.

- Jarold Harold Rogers has been indicted for compromising U.S. trade secrets to China

- Ban on all use of pronouns in government communications

- All 2 million Feds sent a resignation offer

This purge marks the beginning of the end for the corrupt tyrants in Washington.

11 days in and the swamp has been drained.
Posted on 02-01-25 9:03 AM     [Snapshot: 96]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Jan 6th prosecutors who were prosecuting cop killers are being fired.

FBI prosecutors who wanted to protect US classified documents are being fired.

Hunter Biden's laptop, OMG why don't you just say you want to look at his dick pic.

Return to office for work, why the fuck does it matter where people work?

Pronouns? Is that lowering the price of eggs?

2 million non partisan federal workers sent notice to toe the line? Is this fucking China?

Did u actually say "purge"? As in Nazi purging jews? Khmer Rogue purging "intellectuals"?

Posted on 02-01-25 9:41 AM     [Snapshot: 127]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Jan 6 was nothing but a politically motivated move perpetrated by the left. If you are able to consume news from sources other than the approved left media then it does not take a rocket scientist to know that the left planned the whole thing to try to prevent Trump from running ever again. They planted about 200 FBI agents in the crowd to direct the crowd into the govt building. There are numerous videos pointing this fact and even the identity have been confirmed. You have to be living in a bubble to not understand this. The sole essence of the Jan 6 episode is that people have a right to peacefully protest. This got blown out of proportion by the leftist propaganda media to call this peaceful protest an 'insurrection'. People don't have the brains to ask "Can there be an insurrection without any weapons using plain hands in this 21st century in the most powerful country in the world?". The left jailed over 1600 people just for expressing their right to protest. Granted there may have been a handful who got out of hand but 1600 people in jail for 10 years or longer just because the leftists wanted to prove a point? That's how far they will go to cheat and lie.

You talk of classified documents. These people deleted all the finding of the Jan 6 because they want to hide the fact above. The left has no regards for classified documents as seen again and again such as Hillary's classified emails using personal server which got wiped clean, and Biden's garage. Only thing they are good at doing is wiping their crimes clean. Let me not go to the pardoning of Biden's family members and Fauci, who had not even been charged with any crimes.

The 50 FBI agents who claimed that Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation have come forward and agreed that it was a lie. The leftist media used all social media to block the truth. Even Zuckerberg has come forward and admitted that the govt forced him to comply.

Return to office. Government workers are not private companies that can decide where they can work from. Most govt jobs require physical presence in order to serve the people whose tax is funding their salaries. While hard working citizens are toiling outside in cold winter and hot summer, govt employees cannot feel entitled to work from home. Even people working for private companies realize that it's more productive to be at work than work from home because at home you tend to juggle home work and office work.

It all goes back to the way the leftist govt tries to create excessive spending excessive job positions, excessive illegal immigration, excessive welfare spending, excessive foreign aid, excessive racial tension and wokeness. All of these excess are meant to cause confusion among people so that their minds are occupied with these excesses while the leftist rulers collaborate with profitable industries to enrichen their own pockets while the public do not know what hit them. The excess war mongering almost had third world war ignited. If Trump had not won then you could have been assured of the third world war, with profit hungry war industry constantly poking at the biggest powers in the world.

Pronouns, inefficiencies, excess. You name it. Biden was the worst president in the history of the US. He was the biggest puppet president all of whose policies were made by the leftist elite who profited massively using him and his family's greed.

Most people of America have woken up. That's how Trump won. There are still people who are massively hypnotized by propaganda and they would never begin to understand the level of corruption that existed in the US.

These inefficiencies, excesses, corruption must be purged to move ahead to a better future.
Posted on 02-01-25 10:09 AM     [Snapshot: 92]     Reply [Subscribe]
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MAGA bark is far bigger than bite.

Fu*king around with the deep state is very much like fu*king around with the Praetorian Guard during the Roman Empire.

MAGA thinks it can implement MAGA agenda by clearing out the very people they need to implement the MAGA agenda. LOL!!


Posted on 02-01-25 10:40 AM     [Snapshot: 265]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Alright, let’s break this down.

**1. January 6 Was a "Left-Wing Plot"?**

Honestly, this sounds like a conspiracy theory with no solid foundation. The *actual* facts show that the people who stormed the Capitol were mostly Trump supporters, including far-right groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. The House Select Committee on January 6 did a pretty thorough investigation, and the evidence points directly to Trump and his allies fueling the whole thing. There’s *zero* credible evidence the FBI “planted agents” in the crowd to direct anyone. That’s pure fantasy.

**2. Peaceful Protest or "Insurrection"?**

Saying this was just a “peaceful protest” is wild. Sure, there were some peaceful protesters, but once the Capitol was breached, things got violent fast. People were smashing windows, fighting police, and even stealing stuff from offices. An insurrection isn’t just about weapons—if you try to overthrow the government by force, it's an insurrection, whether you’ve got guns or not.

**3. Jail Sentences Are Too Harsh?**

There’s a lot of exaggeration here. The “1,600 jailed” number is inflated. Most people arrested from January 6 faced charges like unlawful entry or assaulting law enforcement. The people who acted violently or broke the law are getting sentences based on their actions, not because of some leftist conspiracy. If you break the law, you face consequences—that's how justice works.

**4. Wiping Evidence and Classified Docs**

Hillary’s email stuff and Biden’s classified documents are being brought up as if they’re the same situation, but they’re not. The FBI investigated Clinton, and though they found negligence, no criminal intent. Biden’s docs are still under investigation—he reported them voluntarily, and no one’s been charged yet. Trump, on the other hand, allegedly tried to hide classified materials and obstruct investigations, which is a whole different ball game.

As for the claim about deleting January 6 evidence? There’s *no* credible proof of that. The investigation has been super transparent, and we’ve seen tons of footage and testimonies. To say it’s all been wiped clean is simply not backed up by any facts.

**5. Hunter Biden Laptop and Censorship**

The whole "laptop scandal" was blown up during the election, but after a lot of investigation, it doesn’t show any criminal activity by Biden. The social media censorship thing? Sure, Zuckerberg admitted that the FBI warned them about Russian disinformation, but that doesn’t mean the government was telling them to suppress *real* news. It was about stopping unverified rumors from spreading during a tense election period.

**6. Government Inefficiency and "Excess"**

The idea that all government spending is just a way for the elites to get richer is a huge oversimplification. Biden’s infrastructure plan, for example, is meant to fix crumbling roads, bridges, and public services. And no, illegal immigration and welfare spending aren’t "excessive." Immigration is complicated, and the majority of immigrants contribute to the economy in a big way. As for welfare, those programs are there to help people who need it. The whole "wokeness" thing? It’s not some leftist plot—it’s just people recognizing and trying to fix inequality in society.

**Final Thoughts**

I get that the media can be frustrating, and it’s easy to fall into echo chambers where one side seems to have all the answers, but there’s a ton of misinformation here. The truth isn’t as simple as “left vs. right” or “liberals vs. conservatives.” The events of January 6 were largely driven by people who refused to accept the election results, and that’s not some big plot by the left—it’s the result of months of false claims from Trump and his supporters. If you want to make sense of all this, it helps to look at the facts, not just what fits your narrative.
Posted on 02-01-25 11:06 AM     [Snapshot: 307]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Obviously the left leaning folks will believe the left media narrative, while the right leaning folks will believe the right media narrative.

However, something to think about.
Almost 95 of media is left leaning so how easy is it to fall into their propaganda?
Inspite of 95% media propagandizing their own narrative, people have woken up and realized that the left leaning media is fake propaganda.

That is why Trump won.
In a democratic country, you have to accept the will of a democratically elected government.
If you do not, then it just makes you an undemocratic whiner and even to take it up a notch, you are an insurrectionist trying to topple the legal government with your protests :)
Posted on 02-01-25 11:11 AM     [Snapshot: 317]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Law enforcement uncuffing and fist bumping an insurrectionist
Posted on 02-01-25 11:12 AM     [Snapshot: 320]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Capital police ushering people in
Posted on 02-01-25 11:13 AM     [Snapshot: 322]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Police shaking hands with insurrectionists and giving them a nice tour
Last edited: 01-Feb-25 11:13 AM

Posted on 02-01-25 11:32 AM     [Snapshot: 338]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The second Trump Admin is just as unprepared as the first Trump Admin. LOL!!

MAGA thinks Trump can create new laws and rewrite the US Constitution simply by pulling fantasy Executive Orders out of his ass.


"A small tweak to an email encouraging federal employees to take a buyout indicates the Justice Department wouldn’t vouch for the legality of the program."

"Critics have raised a host of legal and practical issues with the offer to pay government workers for eight months if they decide they do not want to comply with a new return to office mandate.

For one, the government is only funded through March under the current continuing resolution, raising questions about the ability to pay those who accept the deal through September.

The deal’s funding issues and legal issues are closely intertwined.

Legal experts who spoke to The Hill previously said the move likely violates the Antideficiency Act, which bars the government from spending beyond what is dictated in its budget and requires it to use federal funding as intended."

Last edited: 01-Feb-25 11:33 AM


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