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 Is he in trouble?
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Posted on 02-24-10 1:58 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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One of my friends was having a quarrel with her GF but some stupid neighbors called the police and they took him and charged for domestic violence. He got out on bail and later, his charge was dismissed in the court since the so-called victim(GF) did not appear on the court. Now, my friend wants to visit Nepal. Will that case show up in his criminal background? Will he have problem re-entering the US?
नगनाउने गु
Posted on 02-24-10 2:03 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 02-24-10 2:06 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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No, provided she is a US citizen.
Posted on 02-24-10 10:20 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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haina....seriously...koi sanga yes barema gyan chainaki k ho? plz drop your thoughful suggestions!
Posted on 02-25-10 1:56 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nothing will happen, if you are living in this country cases like this will happen, No one is Gandhi here, Some may have cases of drink and drive, and then prison for not paying penalties and bail out,etc etc, one of my fren..  was in jail last time for not paying fine for tabc, he went outiside the country but he is now back again, ain't no problem, but the thing is that his case should be clear. ( Fine kehi cha bhane chahi tirdinu paryo, baki chahi rakhnu bhayena kura bujyo haina keto, befikri bhayera gaye huncha)!!!!
Posted on 02-25-10 2:24 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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gedagudi....good to go...u already said the charge was there is no case on record...truely in US...i assume ...there is nobody with clean record ...this country is made with law and it applies to everybody...u know things happen in everybody's happy ;))
Posted on 02-25-10 7:56 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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the case dissmiss therefore no problem. ask lawyer, they give free consulting.
Posted on 02-25-10 8:01 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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'Have your friend go to the same court and request disposition on the case. I think it will appear as "Dismissed" or something like that. I think it will also be a good idea for him to take some new pictures capturing some peaceful/happy moments together with his girlfriend which should  show that the case was not serious enough. If it is his first arrest, he should be able to have the record expunged which will take several months for the whole process to complete. When he visits Nepal, he should take at least that disposition copy and its original and explain the case honestly to the consular.

I hope this helps.


Posted on 02-25-10 6:08 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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why people always say one of my friend to ask some kind of question, doesn't matter who it is

no one knows even if u say this is for me.


Posted on 02-25-10 7:26 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Some dumbwits making unneeded smartass comments deserve to be kicked hard in their ass.

Regarding the original question, he should be fine.

Posted on 02-25-10 7:45 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Kei farak pardaina saathi. Dhukka Nepal gayera aaye huncha.

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