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Posted on 08-31-13 7:54
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Hi Guys,
I am visiting Nepal in mid september and thinking of carrying cash (about 10000). I am landing in Kathmandu at about midnight. Do you think it is a bad idea to carry cash? Are there better options? I dont want to send money to relatives. I have account in Nabil bank, do u think it is better to wire money to my account there? Last time my bank here charged $45 also Nabil charged about the same i think. I just want to avoide this charge.
I will appreciate your suggestion.
Jangali Maanab
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Posted on 08-31-13 8:52
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मित्र, तेत्रो पैसा, आम्मामामा, बोकेर जानु का बेफाइदाहरु :
१. हराउने डर सधै रहन्छ, यात्राको दौरान..+...त्रिभुवन विमानस्थलका मित्रहरुले थाहा पाए अपहरण गर्लान है ! फेरि राती हुने रहेछ !! विमानस्थल बाट गन्तब्य नपुगुन्जेल ???
२. तिम्रो यात्रा एकदम कष्टकर देख्छु म त ..तिम्रो समय त्यहि पैसाको वरिपरि घुम्नेछ!
३. १५ दिनपछि जाने रे ! डलरको भाउ घटेर ९० रुपयाँ भए, कति घाटा लाग्ला ? हिसाब गर त !
४. अमेरिकामा के status मा हो कुन्नि ? अमेरिकन भै सकेको भए तेत्रो पैसा बोकेर नेपाल छिर्न पाइन्छ ?
होइन तिमि सपरिवार अमेरिका मै हो कि क्या हो ? कस्तो trust गर्न लायक एक जना पनि relatives नेपाल मा नभाको हँ ?
४५ डलर को मुख नहेर, मैले भनेको मान, खुरुक्क बैंक बाट पैसा पठाऊ ! आजै ...अहिलै !!
- जंगली मानब
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Posted on 08-31-13 9:12
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Hi Jangali Manab,
Thanks for yr input. I dont think 10000 is very large sum as yo claimed. You might be being sarcasting on it!
Last time i took 12000 cash to Nepal and got no problem but this time as time of landing is pretty late i am somewhat not comfortable.
As you said i was pretty much councious of money when i trvelled last time and for sure it is not good idea to take cash.
One problem i am somewhat confused is to wire money on my own account. Do they give current exchange on wire transefer or they are same as westen union which lowers exchange rate quite a bit.
Now, about the current rate, i am not sure whether it will lower or increaee. Some frineds sent money when it was 94 and now regreating it. As i am reading indian economy not going to recover soon so rupee may further depreciate.
Now trusting relative or not is different things. I really dont want my relatives know how much money i earn and have. My relations with my relatives have gone out of roof since i came to USA and i actually enjoy it.
Jangali Maanab
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Posted on 08-31-13 11:06
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I am just trying to be funny, nothing else. Very few people here in sajha, at least I believe, have more experience of carrying money than you do. I am not sure about banks' exchange rate, nor the inflation of nepalese rupees in coming days.
Who better knows your relatives than you do
झुल्किंदा खाली हात झुल्किंयो, अस्ताउंदा खाली हात अस्ताईन्छ, बाचुन्जेल आ-आफ्नो गरि खाने हो ,दुई दिनको जिन्दगीमा परिबार र इष्टमित्र बीच रीस र डाहा किन ?
- Jangali Maanab
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Posted on 08-31-13 11:36
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Thamel.com bata Nepal paisa pathau na sathi, 2000$ bhanda besi pathayo bhane extra charge ni nalagne. Exchange rate ni ramro cha ani paisa haraula bhanne dar ni nahune , ki lagani garchau ta pasa ma sanga eura master plan ni cha
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Posted on 08-31-13 12:39
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Check your bank. BOA charges flat fee to send any amount and the rates are usually very close.
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Posted on 08-31-13 12:43
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take it... i did it before... u not gonna see any problem except u lost it...
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Posted on 08-31-13 1:01
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भारत भएर जाने भए अलिकति सोच्नु पर्ने हुन्छ| त्येहा को एक्सरे मेसिन संचालन गर्ने मान्छेले अरुलाई संकेत दिन सक्छ | अनि अवस्था अलि जोखिमपूर्ण हुन सक्छ
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Posted on 08-31-13 3:45
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Just do a wire transfer. BOA only charges $35.
Dashain ma Khasi, Tihar ma Chyangra ani Mangsir ma Bihe ho ki kya ho?
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Posted on 08-31-13 5:32
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its not gona be problem brother.But do not keep all amounts together.3K easily goes into ur wallet.And do not act suspecious .If u feel uncomfortable then send some of from money gram or others and keep that conf# no.with u then cash it in nepal by urself.just have a fun......cheers..dont worry brother ..u r going to vacation not in war..........just my 1 cent thoughts hai bro...its up to u.
jai samvoo
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Posted on 08-31-13 6:44
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Thanks guys for useful suggestion. I am now thinking sending money through bank on my own account in Nepal.
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Posted on 08-31-13 7:42
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