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 Well regarded 10+2 schools in Kathmandu, Pokhara
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Posted on 05-20-18 3:42 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Greetings to dear Sajhaites!

If you had a young family member who will be graduating from SEE ( prev. SLC ) through an English medium school, what schools would you recommend in Kathmandu or Pokhara?

Could you throw some light on some well-regarded 10+2 or equivalent schools in Kathmandu and Pokhara with or without decent hostel facilities?
The important points of interest to me are :
a) academic reputation
b) tuition fees
c) hostel fees ( if offered)
d) criteria or difficulty in admission
e) current admission fee
f) discipline of science, commerce, or computer studies
g) deadline to apply

Your inputs are highly appreciated. 

Last edited: 20-May-18 03:43 PM


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