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 Travelling to Nepal first time after 17 years
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Posted on 07-13-21 2:40 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi i am travelling to Nepal after 17 years. Dunno if i will come back or not. I have no plan to stay abroad. But if my mind changes, i will. Staying away from family has killed me indirectly. What are the baggage limits? Can i travel with tsa lock suitcase? What is the dimension of suitcase needs to be? How big suitcase or luggage can be? How much weight? Will our luggage go directly to Nepal or will it first go to Doha as I have to travel through Doha transit
Posted on 07-13-21 2:56 PM     [Snapshot: 8]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi i am travelling to Nepal after 17 years. Dunno if i will come back or not. I have no plan to stay abroad. But if my mind changes, i will. Staying away from family has killed me indirectly.
Congratulations! Before deciding to settle in Nepal for good, I would give it at least one full year to get a feel of if it is the right choice for you. I would evaluate options and prepare to return to where you are now or alternative countries, just in case reverse cultural shock is too much to handle.

What are the baggage limits? Can i travel with tsa lock suitcase? What is the dimension of suitcase needs to be? How big suitcase or luggage can be? How much weight?
Check the website of the airline you are traveling with, in the baggage section for details or call CS.

Will our luggage go directly to Nepal or will it first go to Doha as I have to travel through Doha transit
Your baggage will usually travel in the same plane as you.

Good luck!

Posted on 07-13-21 2:59 PM     [Snapshot: 12]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If ur destination is Kathmandu you will have to claim that at TIA. I feeel your pain murkhamailo. Yaha bata ma pani tehi bhanera gaako ho parole liyera .. I stayed there for 2 weeks ... but situation back home is different . There is literally nothing ... AirPort ko haaal dekhera nai chakka paray. I know you will be able to be around with ur family and Frens for a while, eat good food, tara eventually bistarai taco ra thai food ko yaad aauna thaal cha. Nepal ma baadali gayesi bore laagna thaalcha. It smells poop inside Kathmandu valley if u go to bagmati, dhobi khola.People talk about only YouTube e and tiktok. I hated that when I was back there.
Aru badi kura k garnay... lol. Ma pani aafnai desh ko bejaat gardai chhu. But it’s a reality.
Posted on 07-15-21 3:12 PM     [Snapshot: 415]     Reply [Subscribe]
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