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Posted on 10-13-21 7:47
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Hi I work as an software developer in one of the company. I work from home. I manage 2 people under me and it’s up to me to schedule meeting and work load. 2 hour per day should be enough for me to be productive. I am thinking to get another job on w2contract. I know I can manage both. Question is it legal and does my employer will know if I have 2 job. Keep in mind I can capable of managing both. Of course both will be work from home. Second will be on contract so I can quit whenever I fell hectic.
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Posted on 10-13-21 8:02
PM [Snapshot: 21]
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I think Sajha keto was asking the exact same thing a few months back. Ultimately he backed out for some reason. In my opinion it is your call
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Posted on 10-13-21 10:16
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I think it all depends on the policy of your company. What if they find out and there is a clause/guidelines about this which could get you fired. I think this type of document should be available to employees. At least for my company, they make us read it once every year.
Sajha keto
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Posted on 10-15-21 4:26
AM [Snapshot: 323]
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Chicagoan is right. javaskript:nicTemp(); is my original post. I declined the offer and decided to stick with only one
Last edited: 15-Oct-21 04:27 AM
Sajha keto
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Posted on 04-13-22 4:55
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qlik bro, Can you update about your situation? I just started thinking about having another contract job. Last time, I just backed out thinking different issues/obligation. I heard this trend is going up these days as few of my bhailog friend's friends from south doing it. Since we can find many remote options so I am thinking of PST contract and ET perm role. If anyone else has any such experiences, please keep it posted
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Posted on 04-14-22 9:29
AM [Snapshot: 2108]
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Yes , what I did was I opened a corporation. I took this second job on corp to corp basis. I did work for 4 months but after 4 months things started to get busy so i ended my contract. Its is good for short term. I did not had any issue. i will do again next year during winter.