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 child adoption from nepal.
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Posted on 10-31-22 10:39 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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HI All,
Me and my wife are planning to Adopt orphan child from nepal. We both talked about this before we get married that we will adopt a child and give her good life that he/she deserved. We have been married for 4 years and we are having our first born baby in couple of monts. This plan is for our second child in 3-5 years.
Just want to know if anyone has experience regarding Adoption. is there any rules since i am US citizen.how long doest it take to process. any suggestion will be helpful. I did some research but could not find solid answer.

step by step process will be helpful. 
Last edited: 31-Oct-22 10:39 AM
Last edited: 31-Oct-22 05:24 PM

Posted on 10-31-22 1:43 PM     [Snapshot: 81]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Long time!
There is a whole lot of resources that are at disposal online to know how to start with adoption from other countries as a US citizen. Please research further. Even in USCIS portal too, they have resources.

Some thing that might be a little difficult as US citizens:
- you have to stay with the kid back in Nepal for at least 2 years, I do not know how possible it is in your case but, if working remote is possible for you then, maybe you can think about it.
- USCIS will look into it that you have stayed with the kid in the kid's home country for all these 2 years and have taken care of all amenities like the kid's education, healthcare etc. You have to do extensive documentation of all papers.
- Then only you can start the petition with USCIS to adopt the kid. I am sure the local Nepalese ministries "Children welfare" etc. will all get involved to release the kid from Nepal.
- You have to do all these before the kid reaches 18 years old.
- USCIS will let the Children welfare association in US know about your intent and then send some officers to do you home study and interview your family in US as well.
- They will make the decision only after you have fulfilled all the requirements and looked credible people they can let to adopt an orphan.
- The whole process will take time (2 years of co-stay + 2 years of filing) maybe 4 years max, if you are resilient enough, this shall pass.

(P.S. If by any means you can bring the kid to US in some kind of visa, then the process will be easier as then you can stay with the kid here itself for 2 years and then start the petition. But US embassy in Nepal will give visa to some kids with no parents that easy, it is highly improbable.)

Last edited: 31-Oct-22 01:56 PM

Posted on 10-31-22 5:23 PM     [Snapshot: 187]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks BENNEDICT and yes it been a awhile.Hope everything is fine in your side. 
 this was helpful. I will do some more deep research.
Last edited: 31-Oct-22 05:26 PM

Posted on 10-31-22 5:28 PM     [Snapshot: 185]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@pandey chor,
I write what I know. I speak what I have seen, buddy. I have done the whole process of adoption from Nepal for my own family member. For your kind information, it was not for my own very self. So your sorry brain needs to stop assuming what people do in their real life. If by sharing my knowledge it can help somebody get a direction, then I do not mind availing my knowledge. Dude, I am of the opinion, "knowledge is the power" which you lack, (unfortunately).
Blaming somebody in this virtual world without no idea about where they are coming from takes you nowhere, so better shut it up kindly!

Posted on 10-31-22 5:46 PM     [Snapshot: 204]     Reply [Subscribe]
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No worries, if I find some old resources that I was referring to back then, I will post them here. The whole folder was like this thick with all papers and USCIS letters and what not. My family had also hired a lawyer for this whole process, as you may know it does need some serious legal advice and input that I may lack as a layman, but even then keep yourself informed and educated about a lot of legal jargons that you are bound to come across.
Adopting a kid is the best thing you can do in your life.


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