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Posted on 11-16-22 9:55 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Well, with Trump announcing him running for White House again, the slogan MAGAGA does sound like a sequel to MAGA he started with just like "Jatrai Jatra" after "Jatra" OR "Kabbadi Kabbadi" after "Kabbadi". It is for sure not creating a good reverberation as anything can happen in this country. The first time, I recall, there were so many people who never never believed he will make it to the presidency but well he did. And all those who made tall claims that they will leave America and settle in other countries if he ever would win were still hanging around shamelessly when he did win.

This time, well waiting to see if anybody will make such claims.

Posted on 11-16-22 3:15 PM     [Snapshot: 97]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 11-16-22 6:03 PM     [Snapshot: 150]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You got me there, Mr33Sajha. Trump himself was the one making all those claims! LOL.
The thing is, basically nobody, NOBODY is gonna go anywhere. There exists a bunch of liars in all of us.

Posted on 11-16-22 7:28 PM     [Snapshot: 186]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 11-17-22 1:59 PM     [Snapshot: 299]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I agree Trump is not a good guy. But what about people like Nancy Pelosi who break covid rules, her husband gets 5 day or probation for a DUI? Are those good people?
Posted on 11-18-22 9:02 AM     [Snapshot: 450]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Well, personally, I have been telling people, I do not like politics at all. It is all about how good is one at lying to me. I am not supporting anybody as such as I recall I had immense faith in Obama during his time. I believed he is surely going to bring the change we dreamt for on various aspects such as immigration. It never happened and I got so so disillusioned. Why would these people even promise about the things they can never fulfill? Just to attract voters?
Regarding Trump, I just worry about so many things going in the wrong direction if he comes back to While House again. Remember, he started creating a big chaos right the next day he got inducted. The ban for 7-9 Arabic countries, then the exaggerated talks on the WALL he wanted to build and all those super arrogant speeches and tweets and what not. He was even after all these Western Union company too because he felt a lot of American dollars are going out of the country via these routes!! Talk about H1-B visas, he hated this, though ironically his own wife was in this visa before he met her and his own office has people working in these visas. The story goes on. I would not want all those happening all over again.

But you know anything can happen in this country, that's what gives me chill sometimes, because it feels there are growing dislikes going against Democrats currently and looks like we have to embrace for "anything".

Posted on 11-18-22 2:57 PM     [Snapshot: 498]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Regardless if you're very disappointed at Obama due to his failures on policy fronts or if you are still enthralled by his charisma, the election of Obama was very important in the history of America and a positive change in large scheme of things.

His election showed in very tangible way that America is changing and it is changing fast. This also spooked the hell out of a sizable section of Americans who thought the power structure in most walks of life that ruled America since its founding was gonna stay here forever. This was also the beginning of right wing extremism that was mostly relegated to background noise up till that point increasingly became prominent voices and increasingly became a sizable reactionary force against rapidly changing America.

Seeing for example gays getting in loving relationships and becoming increasingly socially acceptable or weed smoking becoming very acceptable recreational activity or rejecting all forms of religions/leaving church become very socially acceptable or non-whites taking top leadership positions in private sector and in government was absolutely shocking reality for those reactionaries.

This reactionary force coalesced into so called "Tea Party" against Obama and everything he stood for or against rapidly changing America by proxy. This reactionary force which believed in all sorts of nutbag conspiracy theories ultimately saw Trump as "a big beautiful wall" to reject/stop rapidly changing America.

By sheer luck, they had just enough people in battleground states to win in 2016 and capture the White House but everything they believed in was so antithetical to what most moderates live by that they lost the White House in 2020 by sheer bad luck this time because there were just enough sane voters in battleground states to stop these nutbags.
In 2022, the so called "red wave" never materialized bucking historical trends when it comes to mid-term elections. This also means the coalition that defeated Trump (and right wing reactionaries) in 2020 mostly held their ground pretty firmly.


Posted on 11-18-22 4:06 PM     [Snapshot: 527]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think republicans won’t let trump to run on there ticked. This mid term election result shows that clearly and most of them already started to distance them from trump. I think DeSantis will win if he runs against Biden. Dem need to put new face out there who are are not too leftist and who can condemn far right as well as far left views. DeSantis does not tick that box but against Biden he will Win.

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