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Posted on 02-17-23 10:20 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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HI everyone,
anyone here does or know anykind of business beside Gas Station and real state investment. All people around me has full time/ part time job or runs Gas station/ c store. I just want to see how diverse nepali people are in term of business.Looks like i am in a bubble. new ideas are welcome.
Last edited: 17-Feb-23 10:20 AM

Posted on 02-17-23 11:58 AM     [Snapshot: 34]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I see a lot of people doing Uber/Uber eats thesedays. Besides that partnership/ownership in restaurants. Some are running general contracting business which is tough but once you know your stuff you will be making a lot of money. Lot of Nepalese running Eyebrow Threading business. Few are onto event planning and decoration, DJ, Photography. Best is always real estate specially for long run because the price always goes up and you can use rental payments for mortgate. Many are just doing for side hustle with a main job. These days with the inflation different streams of income is a must.
Posted on 02-17-23 1:02 PM     [Snapshot: 63]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Good question, I would also want to know . Personally I'm engaged in export/ import business . Like importing nepali stuffs n selling here , carpets, pasmina, dog chew ( churpi) etc n selling medical equipments to nepal government from USA Canada Singapore n China. I'm interested to be a federal contractor but it needs citizenship.

Majority ppl either doing job or traditional gas station low rewarding high risk business which I don't like . So I'm also in bubble. Not getting right partner to work out
Posted on 02-17-23 2:46 PM     [Snapshot: 102]     Reply [Subscribe]
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"Majority ppl either doing job or traditional gas station low rewarding high risk business which I don't like ."

Working in a store or gas station as a cashier may not land you anywhere, but owning multiple stores and several gas stations under your name might make your life way easier, right? I heard that there are so many Nepalese owning multiple gas stations and lottery stores and then making tons of money in places like Texas. Right?

Posted on 02-17-23 2:54 PM     [Snapshot: 101]     Reply [Subscribe]
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नेपाली तरिकाको खसीको मासु पसल


Last edited: 17-Feb-23 05:11 PM

Posted on 02-17-23 4:44 PM     [Snapshot: 147]     Reply [Subscribe]
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बाउ बाजेले १० पुस्तालाई पुग्ने गरि जोडिदिएको सम्पत्ति मा मोज गर्दै रेडनेक हुदै F१० च डेर माचो हुन् छोडेर खसी मासु बेच्न अमेरिका छिर्ने को होला ? बरु हिउ सोहोर्न वा ट्रली राखी गाडी ओसार पसार जसलाई एक्सपोर्ट इम्पोर्ट भनिन्छ तिरै ठिक देख्छु | अरुले नदेख्दा लाज हुने कुरै भएन | बाउ बाजेको ईज्जत फ्याल्नु भएन नि , जाबो पैसा कमाइन्छ भनेर कसो ?
Posted on 02-18-23 10:14 AM     [Snapshot: 333]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Bendik sar, a decent size gas store cost somewhere around 800k to 1.5 mil . So it's not easy to own multiple gas store from scratch. Plus being a gas store owner, you always put your life of being shot for no apparent reason . That's a huge liability to take as a gas station owner .

I would rather stay in flipping house / gas station business instead owing it n eventually get killed by a psycho nigga for a dime .

Posted on 02-18-23 9:30 PM     [Snapshot: 436]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@edv2023 - I can supply about 10 tons of dog chew monthly. Let me know if you have any interest.
Posted on 02-21-23 1:40 PM     [Snapshot: 681]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Those who enter USA and act like Red-Neck like to live easy life, I am hoping big truck will help transporting dog chew, no need to rent or buy another vesicle those who owned.

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