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Posted on 03-20-23 9:08
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The state of the world is precarious in these days due to the never ending greed of human beings. The US government is well known for creating never ending wars all over history but these days are not like old times. Today we are talking of nuclear powers and one false move could mean end of civilization as we know it. The greedy don't get enough. They want more at the expense of their own habitat. The military industrial complex, pharmaceutical industrial complex and the entertainment/media industrial complex work together to increase their profit to trillions at the cost of uncertainty and lack of compassion for the common people. The three of these industries can make anything happen as they control the media and they slowly but surely brainwash the public to accept war as if it's normal. They have started war with Russia in the name of Ukraine and they now want to start war with China by selling missiles to Taiwan. If this war mongering is not stopped then most of the people who work day in day out to survive will be thrown out like garbage. Only the super rich will be able to survive a nuclear holocaust which is imminent if the US govt keeps going in this path. Not only are they opting for never ending wars so that they can keep supplying super expensive weapons to the world, they are planning to end physical cash system and promote only digital cash so that everything would be under their control. If anyone goes against their will, their bank account can be frozen. With the current trend of Banks closing out, it is one of the first steps for the media to promote how the banking system does not work so everyone will be given reason why digital cash is better. Then there will be a big announcement that all cash needs to be exchanged for digital cash. People hoarding cash will not be able to convert to digital currency because they will need to show the source of their cash. The industrial complex will thus gain total control over the population. People will be made to work longer hours so that the masters can buy billion dollar yacht and have servants to serve them. People need to wake up and realize what is going on before it's too late.
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Posted on 03-23-23 9:03
PM [Snapshot: 754]
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Go to ocean city you will find many Russians come there for the work. They will tell details about life in Russia. Have seen many Russian come here to work and overstayed you know why because they know the difference. Same with Chinese too. How many cooks have you see in Asian restaurants come here have overstayed their visa to have better life here. Try shouting at the police in Russia in China and see how you be disappeared overnight. It’s not crazy there but they are many situations you that will show differences. This is not prejudices but facts.
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Posted on 03-23-23 10:43
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I think if we look at it objectively, we can clearly see that there is US aggression and intervention specifically in countries which promote more war. Thats all I am saying. I think there is no denying this fact.
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Posted on 03-24-23 7:24
AM [Snapshot: 861]
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I find it concerning that the brainwashing is so strong that perfectly sane people defend such a thing as perpetual war. One cannot have a reasonable mind and justify perpetual wars that are being led for profit.
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Posted on 03-24-23 9:47
AM [Snapshot: 889]
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No one is justifying war and aggressiveness. I am just saying Its all natural or nature define that the people who has power will definitely be more aggressive than other. Other are not so called aggressive in your term don’t have enough power to do so. If they have power, they will damage more than US does. Yes we can raise voice against it and minimize the damage. There will never be country or person who mind their own business. People are selfish and they will do whatever to be dominant, Its human nature and that applies to country as well .Atleast i am living in the country where i can raise the voice against such issue. I am looking this issue with different views. i hope i am able to clarify my view.
Last edited: 24-Mar-23 09:47 AM
Last edited: 24-Mar-23 09:50 AM
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Posted on 03-24-23 10:09
AM [Snapshot: 900]
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As a person living in the US, I am concerned about US foreign policy which seems to be heavily influenced by politicians working for profit of the industrial complex. This is not about the psychology of being aggressive because one is strong. This is about leading the whole country and the world into chaos for profit of the few. I am not talking about what China may do or what Russia will possibly do or can do or is doing. This is about what the US is doing right now. If you want to discuss what Russia and China is doing you are free to create your own post. Let's not derail this post by unrelated issues you may have with Russia and China. I agree with you that China and Russia has lot of human rights violations but that is not the topic of this discussion.
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Posted on 03-24-23 10:27
AM [Snapshot: 910]
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My bad bro i am out of here. Hope you have wonderful weekend. Cheers
Last edited: 24-Mar-23 10:30 AM
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Posted on 03-24-23 2:01
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US is supplying weapons to Ukraine. That is a fact. US is supplying weapons to Taiwan. That is a fact. Can you explain what exactly you are claiming to be a 'theory'?
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Posted on 03-24-23 4:12
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One of the most important thing to take away from this is the media's influence in all of this. Man is a social animal and he has a need to feel accepted. It is because of this innate need that he will begin to agree with the media rhetoric that gets aired day in and day out. I don't want to bring politics into this but during Trump's time, the media demonized Trump day in day out, from morning to night. As this was in the media most of the time, it started to feel like it was the social norm and people started demonizing Trump to feel accepted. The US media does the same thing with Russia, China and anyone else who can negatively impact their cushy profitable system. It's not easy to step away from the media hypnosis but one has to follow the money when it comes to the information spread by the media.
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Posted on 03-24-23 4:52
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So it is completely US’s fault for helping Taiwan to defend against Chinese aggression, helping Ukraine against Russian attack, helping South Korea against North Korea’s threat, helping Israel which is surrounded by enemy states? I know US has done many mistakes in South Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and several South American countries but in a grand scheme of things it is still a “better” state.
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Posted on 03-24-23 8:34
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Logan seems like people were right about you having issues. I think in another thread you misquoted me inside quotation mark. Can you tell me where I said the things you put in quotes 🤔 I am sorry but I don’t have time to waste on you 🫵
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Posted on 03-24-23 9:27
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Actually we live in very privileged times.
The early humans in North America had to survive from very cold climate as the last ice age was just winding down and they didn't have nice jackets and winter clothing from North Face or Columbia brands.
They didn't have sleeping bags, nice beds, air conditioned homes and apartments like we do now. They were literally sleeping under rather flimsy tents (tepee), rock dens and igloos.
They were competing on daily basis for food against deadly wild predators like saber-toothed cats, wolves, massive grizzly bear, polar bears, mountain lions and more. While hunting for food, you had just as good chance of becoming food of those predators.
They didn't have refrigerators and deep freezers like we do now which meant they had no way to safely store food for extended period.
Similarly, they always had the risk of getting their population wiped out by outbreak of infectious viral/bacterial diseases.
Last edited: 24-Mar-23 09:31 PM
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Posted on 03-25-23 3:37
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Posted on 03-25-23 7:05
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Khaobadi, We do live in privileged times if we consider we used to be monkeys and now evolved into human beings. There has been growth and evolution and humans have discovered many things to make their lives easy. There is no question about development. That is a topic of another discussion where we can showcase how from living in jungle caves human beings now live in high rise buildings in Manhattan. How from eating leaves in the jungle, homosapiens have evolved into complex beings aided by science. This here discussion is about mother earth and how the greed of the few is influencing wars responsible for killing millions of innocent lives and the policies and greed continue to evolve into this monstrous industrial complex whose only concern is gobbling up money at the price of lives and even the safety of the world itself as they are now teetering on the edge of a global catastrophe.
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Posted on 03-25-23 1:28
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To see we live in very privileged times, you don't even need to go back 10,000 years in the past to the times of early humans of North America.
You can just look back less than 200 years ago when slavery was very much legal and you could be kidnapped/arrested and shipped to various places around the globe like any commercial commodity. Slavery was made illegal in the British Empire in 1833 and in all of United States only after the American Civil War.
Smallpox up until the 18th century was the single deadliest disease in Europe. No one encounters smallpox today unless you live in an anti-vaxx household. Up until 1950s, your chances of getting crippled for life in very early stage of your life by polio disease was pretty high. Dying or getting crippled by polio today is extremely rare.
Up until around 10 years ago, it seemed like Facebook was the only social media in town. I rarely even think about having to use it these days nor have I installed the app in my phone because there are other options out there. And, I had the misfortune of having to use Android 4.4 KitKat back then which is super ancient by today's mobile operating system standards. We live in very privileged times.
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Posted on 03-25-23 9:52
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Posted on 03-26-23 11:38
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Poor Biden is busy trying to read the teleprompter correctly. He should just turn the teleprompter to the viewers so they can read it themselves.
Last edited: 26-Mar-23 11:38 AM
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Posted on 03-26-23 12:30
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when AI can lie
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Posted on 03-30-23 12:10
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https://www.tiktok.com/@crazy_videos_to_watch/video/7215682375630523674 The US lawmakers are trying to ban tiktok because they cannot control the narrative.
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Posted on 03-31-23 2:28
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Posted on 04-02-23 4:01
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