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haal haal pandit
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Posted on 02-01-25 6:11
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if you are fan of egg and avocados breakfast like me, i urge all people rush grocery and stack avocados as much as you can because price in Sunday morning will not be the same as it was Saturday . president imposed tariff on Mexican products will hit kitchen first in the Sunday morning . with already skyrocketing egg price im having panic eating healthy breakfast at reasonable cost . the house cost will still go up for 2025 as we depend on Canada for lumbar and gas omg fill some gas while u go Costco to buy avocados ppl . we dont want money spend on war on foreign land president but also want control on grocery prices
Taco Burrito Salsa
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Posted on 02-01-25 7:39
PM [Snapshot: 89]
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Intelegent advice from pandit jee like as usal
haal haal pandit
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Posted on 02-02-25 9:53
AM [Snapshot: 337]
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thank you tako burioto salsa , i gave prabachan to buy avocados but i lost a bag of avocados in back home from Costco . feelings regrets . btw the price of avocados is up by 21% in aldi today
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Posted on 02-02-25 12:38
PM [Snapshot: 453]
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ha ha , Panditji ditched the satire and turn it into a positive message, very intelligent must be the generation who heard slokas and surrounded by books (origin of intellect) from the womb. People from such family who are even illiterate are more intelligent than DEI therefore in Nepal and India people seek advice from them. We can see the same trend here in Sajha too. It is preemptive and advices are flooding before seeking it. Panditji you did not advise who to keep them fresh and how long we can keep fresh buying more? Please, suggest fully so they can utilize your advice, now every reader who is residing North America start over stocking. You will see the list of things needed to be stocked to save money.
Last edited: 02-Feb-25 12:49 PM
haal haal pandit
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Posted on 02-02-25 1:31
PM [Snapshot: 517]
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Logan ji avcaods are fats so you dont need to keep them fresh like other vegetables n fruits . They are either hard or soft , you can keep them hard for months under cold temperature , put them im room temp for 6 hours they become soft to consume, tks
Last edited: 02-Feb-25 01:36 PM