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 Banned in Japan, Used in Nepal for depopulation
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Posted on 02-01-25 1:37 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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विद्यालय तहमा अध्ययन गर्ने छात्रालाई पाठेघरको मुखको क्यान्सरविरुद्धको एचपीभी खोप दिइने भएको छ ।

अनलाइनखबर अनलाइनखबर
 २०८१ माघ ९ गते १६:४९

९ माघ, काठमाडौं । विद्यालय तहमा अध्ययन गर्ने छात्रालाई पाठेघरको मुखको क्यान्सरविरुद्धको एचपीभी खोप दिइने भएको छ । स्वास्थ्य सेवा विभाग परिवार कल्याण महाशाखाका अनुसार कक्षा ६ देखि १० सम्म अध्ययन गर्ने छात्रालाई खोप दिन लागिएको हो ।


Parents of children who are said to have suffered serious health damage have formed an association and called on the government to immediately stop the vaccinations. Usually junior high school first-grade girl students receive the vaccinations; they have to go through three rounds of vaccinations.

Lisa in Washington, USA:

When I originally wrote my Gardasil story as a cautionary tale for others, I thought the worst was over. I had battled for almost six years and was left with only periodic numbness/tingling in my hands to deal with at that point. I believed the worst was over and I could begin to get on with my life. That was in October of 2013.

In 2014, the roller coaster ride began again. My hands became worse; the tingling and numbness traveled to my legs. I would have moments of paralysis forcing me to rely on crutches to get around for a few days each month. My sleep patterns became irregular. I would stay awake for 4 days straight before collapsing from sheer exhaustion and physical weakness. The numbness and tingling I previously had in my hands progressed to tremors that never stopped, even when I was sleeping. Tremors so bad they stopped me from successful photography, hindering my ability to complete my home-based projects or even use everyday tools.

Briar in New Zealand, via her mother:

I’ve just carried Briar out of the bath as her legs keep collapsing, this is the amount of pain she is in after painkillers, that her pain feels like a ‘big knife’ in her legs. Just over a year ago she could do all this: have a bath, play sport, just basically have a life. Then the HPV vaccine happened and she can’t do a thing, this is her life and this is the part nobody sees. I didn’t want to cause her more pain but I wanted to show what her life is now.

Korey in Connecticut, USA, via her mother:

[Korey] never received the 3rd shot since she became dizzy and nauseous within a few days of receiving the 2nd shot.  The 2nd shot had triggered a downward spiral in her physical, mental, and emotional health [...]. The dizziness became full blown vertigo and was constant and accompanied by vicious nausea. [...] Korey’s anxiety seemed to increase, and she no longer could sleep in her own room:  She felt flutters in her heart and also reported a rapid beat.  [...]

During the past few months, we added many new complaints to Korey’s list of things that were not quite right:  Fatigue, joint pain, muscle aches, tremors, tics, headaches, neuropathy [pain without physical stimulus, CK], the feeling as though she would pass out.  She would cry frequently and just be out of sorts….not the same girl she was at the beginning of freshman year.

Broadly speaking, this suite of symptoms fits under the umbrella of dysautonomia — a general term that describes a failure of the autonomic nervous system, which controls most of your body’s involuntary functions. The generally unstated suggestion in these posts is that the vaccine caused an overactive immune system to turn against its own nervous system.

Women in the viral stories about the HPV vaccine have reported being diagnosed with (or have reported symptoms similar to those of) three syndromes associated with dysautonomia: Guillain-Barré syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).

Some of the most alarming stories shared in Health Impact’s HPV vaccine series include symptoms generally ascribed to Guillain-Barré syndrome. According to the National Institutes of Health, Guillain-Barré causes a person’s immune system to attack parts of its own nervous system, resulting in varying degrees of weakness or tingling in the legs and other limbs which, in severe cases, can ultimately result in paralysis. The condition can interfere with respiratory processes and require artificial ventilation — that means it can be life-threatening, though in most cases people can make a full or nearly full recovery.

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is another frequent diagnosis on these sites. It was was also the primary concern of Japanese officials who decided to stop recommending the HPV vaccine. Scientists believe this collection of symptoms (pain, swelling, and/or changes in skin color) to be the result of damage to the autonomic immune system, and some argue it would be possible for a vaccine to cause that damage.

Finally, many of the women report a diagnosis of — or symptoms generally associated with —  postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS): dizziness when standing, racing heartbeats, anxiety, tremors, and fainting. This poorly understood condition makes it difficult to regulate the return of blood to the heart when a sufferer moves from a reclined to an upright position, but the ways in which it can affect daily life, through fatigue, anxiety, heart tremors, depression and others, are varied and in some cases debilitating.

Posted on 02-02-25 2:08 PM     [Snapshot: 381]     Reply [Subscribe]
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