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 Catherine Austin Fitts - Digital ID, Trump is a Vaccine Traitor
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Posted on 02-01-25 6:57 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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January 28, 2025

Catherine Austin Fitts: "If you were among those who supported Trump on the theory that he is going to end THE GREAT POISONING, I am afraid you will be sadly disappointed. The real goal here is to build the data-center infrastructure for a Control Grid, a Digital ID, and an All-Digital Financial System. Health-'care' is just the excuse".


By Patrick O'Carroll

Here, Catherine Austin Fitts calls out the medical machinations of Trump 2.0:

In 2020, Trump 1.0 authorized Operation Warp Speed 1.0 and put 18 billion USD dollars behind it.

Now, Trump 2.0 has authorized Operation Warp Speed 2.0 and put 500 billion USD dollars behind that [and into the pockets of Larry Ellison and Sam Altman, who have track-records as total crooks].

The first LIE is that Operation Warp Speed 2.0 is being presented as "private investment". Not true. One way or another, that money is coming from the US Regime at taxpayer expense.

The second LIE is that Operation Warp Speed 2.0 involves "vaccines". It does not. It is really for toxic-poison mRNA bioweapons. They are calling it "vaccines" because they want indemnification and, financially, they simply cannot afford to murder and maim so many millions of slaves without being indemnified for the whole operation.

This is partly a kind of Manhattan Project to "win at AI" (in a competition against China).

The two biggest dangers of Operation Warp Speed 2.0 are that it will succeed in building the infrastructure for a digital concentration camp, and that it will kill a lot of slaves (must be a plan to relieve the social-welfare system).

Of course, the business model of toxic-poison mRNA bioweapons is that poisoning cases get declared to be "new diseases", which in turn require more toxic-poison mRNA bioweapons to "cure" or "fix" them.

You give people poison, they get symptoms of toxicity, you declare those "diseases", and make another poison to give them. That is a very profitable financial treadmill. And it is continuing because dozens of mega-factories for just-in-time "vaccines" are being built all over the world. And we already know that the "vaccines" being output contain secret ingredients again. This is for-profit genocide in the best traditions of "Team Antichrist".

If there is a move to force-inject the slaves with toxic-poison mRNA bioweapons, we are talking about a mass atrocity. At the very least, the slaves who get injected will have a privacy issue because, for the rest of their lives, the nanotech contents will be transmitting their data 24-7 to the Big Pharma Data Centers. But, at the worst, the slaves will have a death issue but the upshot is they will never draw their pensions.

Catherine sums up: "If you were among those who supported Trump on the theory that he is going to end THE GREAT POISONING, I am afraid you will be sadly disappointed. The real goal here is to build the data-center infrastructure for a Control Grid, a Digital ID, and an All-Digital Financial System. Health-'care' is just the excuse".

Already in his FIRST WEEK, Trump 2.0 has demonstrated that MAGA most likely means the MIRAGE of the AMERICAN "GOLDEN" AGE. Trump 2.0 has NO PLANS whatsoever to end THE GREAT POISONING.

Elsewhere, Catherine pointed out that the new US "embassy" in Beirut-Lebanon (in Greater Israel) is 50 times too big to be a genuine "embassy". Anyone can see that it can only be a DATA-CENTER. So, all Heartland Slaves need to stop permitting themselves to be deceived by MAGA, the MIRAGE of the AMERICAN "GOLDEN" AGE.


Here, Catherine Austin Fitts is interviewed in her second home in Stavoren, Friesland, the Netherlands:

Catherine set up Dutch residency after she was bullied, and poisoned 8 times, in the years up until 2016.

Catherine reckons Trump was re-selected to dupe the Republican Heartland into going along with the new tyranny system under CDBCs. Thus, "Team Antichrist" figured: "This is the guy that will get us the control grid".


#1 Re-engineer the current economic model and make it more economic.

#2 Maximize profits for his major donors and sponsors.


#1 Reinforce the swamp by implementing total tyranny under a Digitial ID.

#2 Build up the swamp by implementing an All-Digital Monetary System.

#3 Permit the DOGE, Vivek Ramaswamy, Elon Musk, and other crooks, to enable the central-banksters to take over control of fiscal policy through corporate contractors. [This will be sold as "reducing" government.]

Trump also understands fully that if you do not do what "Team Antichrist" tells you, they will kill your family.

Catherine says "drain the swamp" is not going to happen because you cannot re-engineer the economic model, AND make money for your cronies, AND "drain the swamp" all at the same time.

She says: You don't change the system by one guy riding in on a white horse and fixing everything. You change the system by so many people shifting their time, their money, their intention, their prayers that the crowd moves THIS way and you cannot force them to go THAT way anymore.

Catherine says the USA's real problem is the hypocrisy of its people, who refuse to face the problems. She mentions that, in around 2000, a DOJ official said that the US economy launders between 500 billion and 1 trillion USD dollars in all the world's illegal cash-flows. So, today, it is much worse (twice as much?).

Catherine's "RED BUTTON THEORY" says that only 1 percent of people would move to SOLVE the problems by pressing a theoretical "RED BUTTON" because they stand to lose from that. The theoretical "RED BUTTON" was to stop all hard-narcotics trafficking in the USA, but only 1 percent were willing to press it.

Catherine quotes a major EU puppetician who once admitted: "We know what to do [to fix things] but we do not know how to get reelected after we do it".


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